Studio Policies
Instrument requirement: A piano is required to begin piano lessons. If your current instrument is not sufficient for continued development it is required to upgrade to a sufficient instrument to continue lessons with me. If your child/ren is a beginner this will be by the end of primer level. This may also be the case if your child/ren has been taking lessons for some time but are advancing beyond your current instrument. Time frame for this requirement and specific details will be discussed as lessons progress.
My studio has a flat rate tuition policy. Tuition pays to reserve your place in my studio roster, travel to your home, lesson preparation, research of new music and recital preparation. Monthly tuition will be the same each month regardless of number of lessons (most months will have 4 lessons, some months will have 5 lessons, a couple months may have 1). There are 52 weeks in the year. There will be a 3 week break in June, 1 week break the week school begins and a 3 week break in December. Therefore, there will be 45 lessons during this year.
45 x lesson rate = yearly tuition divided into 12 equal payments. Monthly rate is rounded to the nearest $1. Ex. if your lesson rate is $63 (45 x $63 = $2,835/12 = $236.25. Tuition will be $236/ month)
Lesson tuition is due monthly the first week of the month. There is a $30 late fee automatically charged for invoices not paid by the 15th of the month. Please let me know if there are extenuating circumstances that prevent you from paying by the 15th.
I hold 2 studio recitals a year, spring and winter. Exact date and time are TBD. A recital fee will be due prior to each recital to cover venue rental and the cost of recital production.
Students preparing for the Sonatina Competition and/or the Dorothy Sutton Performance Festival in the Fall will only have 2 weeks break in June and will not break for the 1st week of school. The fee for these 2 lessons are additional and will be billed in that months' invoice.
Piano books/music, recital fee, competition fee and festival fee are additional and will be billed in that months' invoice. If your child/ren need an extra lesson at any point in the year and you don't have a make-up credit, the additional fee will be billed in that months' invoice.
If a lesson has to be missed and notice is given (vacation, school event, sporting event, etc.), you will receive a make-up credit. This credit can be used on Make-up days which will be communicated when available. Make-up credits need to be used within 2 months of missed lesson or the credit is forfeited. A student will often have 2 lessons in a week when using a make-up credit, sometimes back-to-back. You may be concerned that this is a waste of time since there isn't time for practice between lessons but I have a number of activities for all levels that don't require practice and are very beneficial.
If you would like to view the number of make-up credits you have I can send you a link to create a My Music Staff account if you haven't already done so. If you already have an account you can login at the bottom of my website home page and you will be redirected to MMS.
24 hour cancellation policy: lessons cancelled with less than 24 hour notice (for any reason, including sickness) are considered a missed lesson and the lesson fee will still be charged with no make-up credit or tuition credit for the following month.
Lessons DO NOT follow the school calendar. If there is no school it doesn't mean there are no lessons. However, if your lesson happens to fall on one of these Holidays (Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, October 31st or Thanksgiving) that lesson will become a make-up credit.
If I have to cancel a lesson for any reason, I may attempt to reschedule. If a reschedule day and time doesn't work for you or I don't reschedule there will be a credit in your next months invoice.